Nod Away, Vol. 3


Hello, Joshua here (on 03.01.24). I’d like to thank those of you who have read the first two volumes of ‘nod away’. I'm grateful to be creating a series that others are eager to read, and I assure one and all that I am doing everything in my power to see it to completion.

While I have been able to work on v3 here and there, over the past few years since completing v2 I’ve had to take on extra freelance illustration and paid comics work to make ends meet. I want nothing more than to work on v3 and v3 alone, but reality calls for at least a bit of income (unfortunately there is very, very little $ to be made in independent comics).

I recently agreed to take on a large, paid freelance comics project that will take me the majority of 2024 to complete. With the income I receive from doing this freelance project, and in addition to the generous donations I've received from the ’nod away fund’ , I should be able to dedicate 100% of my studio time to 'nod away v3' afterwards (barring unforeseen personal and/or sociopolitical disaster). - Project failed due to corporate interference, back to working on ’nod away’ (update 08.01.24)

Which is all to say, it’s going to be a while before ‘nod away v3’ sees the light of day, but I’m doing what I can to ensure that day will come. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement, it truly keeps me going. - Joshua


Nod Away, Vol. 2


Skyscrapers of the Midwest